So how much HFCS do you eat?
Those who have tuned into this blog knows I'm not crazy about high-fructose corn syrup. Whether you think it's horrible or wonderful (well, maybe not wonderful, but OK), you should at least know how much HFCS you eat.
If you regularly eat ketchup or regular U.S. soft drinks, you probably get healthy doses of HFCS. But virtually all hot dog buns have it.
I noticed a blueberry syrup at the breakfast bar at a Midwestern family restaurant over the weekend. The first 2 ingredients were high fructose corn syrup and corn syrup. Yes, the word "syrup" is in both, but the blueberry part was a bit further down.
So take the opportunity to read a few labels -- look to see how much HFCS you eat, or at least, to see how many food items you eat that contains HFCS.
As much as I try to avoid it, I know I do consume some, but it's mostly ketchup in restaurants and most hot dog buns. I used to down tons of soft drinks, so I'm sure I have consumed multiple pounds. I don't honestly have an idea of how much. All I know is I feel better now that I have sharply reduced the amount. I would love to reduce it more, but that would require substantial changes.
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I have been trying to elimanate all HFCS from my family's diet and have forbid any food with it in the house. It hasn't been easy, as it's in everything. I have noticed many manufacturers are now just starting to give us options. Kellogg's for instance is the one cereal company I avoided because almost all their cereals have it. I was pleasantly surprised to notice that they are slowly introducing "Organic" versions of Rice Krispies and a couple others using cane sugar. Of course, the healthy option is more expensive and a smaller box. Kuddos to Kellogg's for giving those like me the option. Also, Coca Cola is now selling cases of the Mexican bottled coke made with pure cane sugar at my local Costco. It seems manufacturers have seen that more and more people like me are avoiding it.
Now, if I could just find a Tonic Water without it I could enjoy my beloved Vodka Tonics once again.
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Now, if I could just find a Tonic Water without it I could enjoy my beloved Vodka Tonics once again.
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