'Overfed and undernourished'
An excellent letter to the editor on the role government plays in our horrible diets. The letter to the Chicago Tribune is from Connie Diekman, president of the American Dietetic Association.
If you've read Michael Pollan's "Omnivore Dilemma," you have some understanding of a system that feeds corn to animals that can't normally digest corn. A system that is pro-corporation, anti-farmer, and ultimately, anti-consumer health.
As she points out, "Today most Americans are overfed and undernourished. And the nation's farm policies, which tilt the equation for farmers to produce more commodities for industrial users and processors rather than nutritious foods for people to eat, contribute to this lamentable situation."
The overfed and undernourished line is so obvious. Yes, food is cheap, but it costs us all in the end. And the food is cheap because corn products are subsidized. Notice that the price of milk is climbing due to the rise in the price of corn. This is about high-fructose corn syrup and so much more.