

Deep-fried Pepsi balls

State fairs don't always offer nutritional fare. In fact, they usually lower themselves to borderline disgusting levels. This New York Times article has a lot of fun with the fare at the Indiana State Fair. But what is truly precious is this picture that went with the article. We want to give full credit, not smaller type, to Darron Cummings/Associated Press for this picture. It's that good. Be sure and look carefully at the picture since it gives you the recipe for Deep-Fried Pepsi balls. As if you don't already have enough sugar and fat, you can get your Peps i balls topped with cinnamon sugar, drizzled Pepsi syrup, and whipped cream. I would prefer Deep-Fried Coke or Dr. Pepper, but only if I could get the syrup without high-fructose corn syrup.

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